Saturday, August 18, 2007

Neverwinter Nights Introduction to BDSM

Aug 17 2007 Neverwinter Nights Introduction to BDSM
Much to my delight and surprise, Ms B has taken interest in one of my all time favourite online role play games. In fact within the social game servers of online Neverwinter Nights I discovered my interest in BDSM. Starting in late 2004 I joined a role play game server where the focus subject matter was a BDSM themed battle of the sexes within a Dungeons and Dragons environment including some distant Gorean influences. One city dominated by men and one city dominated by woman. The Matriarchal society was most appealing to me in various physiological ways. How ever I took timid steps taking time to observe all the fascinating behavior surrounding me as I established a character (Crimson Sharpshank) who took a humble role as combat medic in the military of the male dominated society. Through my actions healing and strengthening my brothers, Crimson became a target of the enemy Female forces and soon found himself imprisoned and interrogated by the Queen herself. She quickly assessed that I was not a female hating slave driver. The Queen spent an hour to teach me the error of the ways of my brothers and made a one time deal with me for my freedom. In exchange that I do not provoke acts of war I am allowed to focus my energy on healing the wounded after combat was completed. Over time I observed that the most common scenario in this game world was to see the damsel in distress being dragged off by my brother warriors to be imprisoned, interrogated, assessed for there value to be ransomed or enslaved. Slave training with various levels/extremes of D/s was practiced in these two societies where the opposite sex had the lowest social standing. Another observation that has made me a little less out going is that the majority of players are actually real life males, including males who take the role as female. Eventually I moved on to a more mature server with an older player base and more real life females. I have set down some roots in that server and I welcome Ms B to visit some day in the future.

1 comment:

Lara said...

I heard great things about some of the BDSM Never Winter Nights games. As a matter of fact, a few of those players are now over on one of my games and have asked me to start up something similiar. If you have a chance, come stop by, maybe some old friends?

Online BDSM role playing game for Ultima Online