Thursday, September 20, 2007

Venting Issues from RL Work

This has nothing to do with my D/s lifestyle but I will take this opportunity to vent. At work yesterday I became the middle man playing peace maker between my boss and the firefighter who came to do a shop safety inspection. The boss had a heated debate in the hall way with the firefighter before the inspection began. The Firefighter was angered by the negative attitude from my boss so the inspector came to me and announced that he was leaving and reporting to the higher authority. I heard the last words from the boss, inviting the fireman to do his inspection, so I offered to take the Inspector on a tour. I gave him a set of safety glasses and the map I created for these types of safety inspections. The Firefighter accepted my offer and we proceeded through the shop as expected. About half way through, my boss once again intercepted the Firefighter and they exchanged more heated words. The Firefighter came to me and informed me that this attitude was unacceptable and he will be leaving to report our resistance to the higher authority.

This morning I had a new visitor from the City Fire Department Inspection Division. Once again I took the Inspector out on the same tour while my boss occupied his time in the office. The end result was predictable and easily accommodated accept for one new issue. The new flammable painting mandate recently implemented for all manufacturing facilities will now include our shop. He told me that he will be making a return visit next week with a city order to prohibit our painting process. When I brought this information to my boss, his face turned red and he demanded to call to speak to the city fire inspector. It took his daughter and myself much effort to explain the situation and settle his anger but eventually we gave him the inspectors phone number. The Inspector returned later in the afternoon to issue us an order of the safety codes act to cease all flammable painting operations. I inquired why he returned a week early and the inspector replied because your boss conducted the phone call with belligerence and my superior instructed me to issue the order immediately. The good news is that the boss is investigating the implementation of a fire safe painting procedure even though it is only 10% of our manufacturing operation. Based on my conversation with the boss I believe we should still have a job for a while to come.

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