Sunday, September 30, 2007

More Work Related Drama

I am thankful that I don’t have a BDSM related subject that I need to talk about because my mind is lightly distracted with work related issues. The city bylaw enforcement officer came with the city fire inspector to pay my boss another unexpected visit this past Thursday. Once again the boss was agitated with the surprise especially considering he was ready to leave for a meeting with a customer. I was in my office far down the hall but I could hear the raised voices and a chill crossed my skin. The bosses daughter was with them taking notes so later I was filled in with the details. Apparently the city bylaw enforcement officer had been provoked enough to suggest that he had the authority to revoke our business licence and shut us down. This is a bold statement and it leads to many questions. Can we be shut down immediately? Who has the burden of proof? Does the bad attitude expressed from my boss give the officer the right to revoke our business licence? What are the realistic expectation for compliance? Why did they insist on forcible action without offering all the present options for a reasonable compromise? I can understand why I heard the raised voices with three egos bashing heads in a power tripping contest. This is just one extra stress added to the pile for my week to follow. The boss will be leaving for holidays and we do not have an office manager on staff any more. I will be filling in for my boss and the office manager as best I can.

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