Saturday, December 1, 2007

Another week in Heroshi's life

The new leader of the Dojo, Ando was chatting with Lord Cougar and Periwinkle. Ando feels positive about preparing a proposal to make a request on behalf of the players of the server that would also be well utilized by the Dojo. He asked for the game world designers to create some new areas with some atmosphere for a DM to create a story line or adventure. The areas should be void of monsters and special effects so that it would not be contributing to lag. This is all well and good if you have captured the enthusiasm of a DM willing to dedicate time to this end but from my observations recently, there are no DMs with such time and dedication who would be up for the challenge. Ando mentioned both Xeno and Periwinkle, but my optimism is lacking as of late. In fact my optimism has been lacking in regards to a few more situations within the game server over the past week. I still have not found a comfort zone with Heroshi being in public attempting to promote the Dojo agenda. Secondly when asked if I was interested in participating in a private group session to discipline our submissive I felt very uncomfortable with the idea. And lastly this troubled girl returned to the server and reminded me how uncomfortable I felt with her way of sharing the negative details of situations she fell into. I get the idea that she is subtly looking for someone to rescue her from the mess she finds herself in. So far I managed to dodge that pitfall by reasoning with her like a father knows best attitude and a condescending tone. Anyways, within all this rambling I frequently wish to disappear into the wood work to avoid these situations but being visible is one expectation for my position in the Dojo.

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