Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sub meeting reminds me to communicate

July 26, 2007 8:00 pm Sub meeting reminds me to communicate
Tonight’s topics started with safe words. I have no issues with using a safe word so I quietly listened. Soon after I introduced the topic of unresolved feelings and resentment. Everyone quickly responded with one basic word. Communication. Preferably when cooler heads prevail the pair must communicate until there is a mutual resolution over the unresolved feelings. This made perfect sense and I was baffled that it was not obvious to me before I asked the question. The next topic was multiple owners, followed by the issue of submitting to having the dominant mold and alter your personality. Finally we ended the hour with ideas of dealing with the stresses of submission and finding ways to expressing our selves when we feel we have no opportunity to voice it. In answer to the question I contributed the suggestion that a Journal helps in relieving stress and expressing one self. Speaking of which, I will take this moment to vent my frustration of my day at work. The Engineering and QC Lady that I work under has returned today from 3 week off and told me that she will be leaving my company for a new job. Once again I find myself in this same situation where I am the last person in the office other then the boss. Presently I am doing the drafting and reception duties. With this lady leaving I will be asked to do quality control as well. This situation has occurred twice in the past so I take it all in stride just gritting my teeth and bearing it until the boss finds new personnel.

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