Monday, October 15, 2007

One Week Turn Around – Heroshi Part 7

Last week Molli-Chan had displeased Heroshi by acting out with a dramatic public display of childishness. It was necessary to leash her and correct the inappropriate behavior right on the spot. Additionally I had counted out loud for each act that deserved punishing which eventually ended at eight before we both realized that perhaps there was another direction to move. After getting her home I formalized a short list of rules and etiquette for behavior and I proposed that she had the next week to prove to me that she will comply. I told her if she displeased me during the week that the eight punishments would be added to what ever punishment she earned in this week. I then told her how I wanted to see her succeed and travel with me as my companion through my everyday activities, growing together and sharing life in our D/s relationship. As a reward for pleasing me through the week I told her that I would rescind the punishments. She seemed agreeable to this proposal so I began testing her compliance and much to my surprise and delight she was feeling … erum ... how to say it? Amorous? Anyways, now that most of her time is up, I am beginning to plan my next move. I think I should test to see how far she is willing to submit. At the same time I do not want to make the challenge too absurd that she thinks I am a nut case who will not let her succeed. Finding some middle ground is the challenge that I have not resolved for as of yet. I find myself nervously impatient with myself to find solutions and new BDSM related activities for Molli-Chan. On the contrary, MsB seems to be relaxed and infinitely patient with her dominance over me. I wonder if she feels the same way as I do yet hides it from me, or she truly is at peace.

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